Linear Fox API Documentation

Our API allows you to access our platform and retrieve data in a programmatic way. In this documentation, you'll find information on how to authenticate your requests, rate limits, and endpoints available for you to use.


Some endpoints require authentication you'll need to provide a bearer token in the headers of your requests. The bearer token is a string that you can generate from your account dashboard on our website. Once you have the token, you'll need to include it in the headers of your requests like this:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_HERE & OAuth 2.0 or Using API Key

Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage of our API, we've implemented rate limits on all endpoints. The current rate limit is 100 requests per minute. If you exceed this limit, you'll receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.


Endpoints are the URLs you'll use to access our API. Each endpoint has a specific purpose and returns a specific type of data. The endpoints are grouped into categories based on the type of data they return. You can find more information about each endpoint in the sections below.

  • GET $API_URL/v1/user/data/$USER_ID Retrieve a specific user by ID
  • POST $API_URL/v1/auth/check Check if a user is authenticated "Bearer Token Required"
  • PUT & DELETE $API_URL/v1/account/editbackground/ Edit the background of a user "Bearer Token Required"

Types of API Parameters

  • Query string parameters $API_URL/v1/user/data/$USER_ID?name=LinearFox&age=20
  • Path parameters $API_URL/v1/user/data/$USER_ID
  • Body parameters $API_URL/v1/auth/check

Query Parameters

These are the most common type of parameters. You’ve probably seen them before on your browser’s address bar, even outside the context of APIs. You can find them in the query string of the endpoint, after the ?.

Path Parameters

Path parameters are used to identify a specific resource. For example, in the endpoint /users/:id, the id is a path parameter. You can find them in the path of the endpoint, after the /.

Body Parameters

Body parameters are used to send data to the API. For example, when you create a new user, you send the user’s name and email in the request body. You can find them in the body of the request.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or run into any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to help!